The Journey to Success...

Starts with a plan. If you're just getting started now, we'll have a few more choices to make along the way. We'll discuss best practices and work with you to configure supporting tools for your application.

  • Documenting your development and testing process
  • Automated linting
  • Project management and deployment tools
  • Quality control practices and software
  • Efficiency tools and analytics





Specific areas we have experience in

  • Fixing broken things
  • E-Commerce
  • CMS (content management system)
  • Scheduling (appointments, event management, software tasks) / calendar
  • API development
  • Natural Language Processing

Other Services we can offer:

  • SEO optimization
  • Digital marketing
  • Growth strategy
  • Technical consulting (HTML, CSS, Ruby, Git, team management)
  • Outsourcing

For design, we can offer:

  • Web design
  • UX design
  • Branding
  • Art direction
  • General graphic design

Contact us

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